Appraisal results
The ‘most
professional parish appraisal show I have ever seen’ was
the verdict of Anton Nath from Oxfordshire rural county council!
All the results from the 2001 survey of residents were displayed
as a series of colourful posters at the exhibition held at Crowmarsh
school on 6th and 7th March. |
see the all of the posters, click: |
addition, practically every club, society and charity in the parish
prepared their own poster
on their activities and children from the school
showed their work on the history of Crowmarsh.
A map in
which visitors were invited to put pins to show where they lived
revealed that the show had attracted people not only from all
over the parish, but also from Wallingford and some outlying
In one of the
nicest moments, Faith Ponking, possibly the oldest living resident
born in the parish, walked over to some visitors looking at photographs
of old Crowmarsh, and called out proudly ‘here’s
a bit of old Crowmarsh’! |
A section of the
display area was given over to visitors making additional comments
about what they think should be done in the parish. This was an important
feature to gather even more evidence of what it is that is concerning
the residents. Click here to see the compiled list of all the comments.
The attention will
now turn to putting together an action plan with the
help of the
and county
Johnson, who led the appraisal, quoted one famous former Oxfordshire
by saying ‘this is not the end, it is not even the
beginning of the end, but it is the end of the beginning’!