A BIG thank
you to the many people who helped with circulating the questionnaire,
and particularly the following, who did so much work on the analysis
and presentation of the results:

Alan and John
Bromley, Anne Marie Carter, Sandie Clemas, Peter Evans, Tom and
John Griffin, Andrew and Edwina Johnson, Helen Johnson, Monika
Jürgens, Anne Lowes, Ian Maher, Anita Napper, Michael and
Heather Thorn, Heather Turner, Brenda Woodbridge, and Catherine
Young |
support from:
- Crowmarsh
Parish Council
- Oxfordshire
Rural Community Council
- South
Oxfordshire District Council
- Marketing
Bureau Ltd at Newnham Manor
donations from:
- South
Oxfordshire District Council
- The
- Waitrose
- Threshers
- Tesco
- The
school for making this room available
who loaned poster boards or use of facilities including:
- HR
- Wallingford
Art Club
- The
And all of you
for answering the questions and coming along to see the results – let’s
work together to make the Parish an even better place ... |