to the website of the
Crowmarsh Parish Appraisal
plan now out!
A Crowmarsh Parish
Action Plan has been created out of the results of the 2001
appraisal and feedback from the Appraisal Exhibition in 2004.
here for a PDF of the action plan.
Acrobat Reader is required to access this file, which can
be downloaded free of charge from the Abode
Website. |
This site marks
the culmination of three years work by a group of volunteers led
by Dr Andrew Johnson. The process started in 2001 when a comprehensive
questionnaire was created and distributed to every household in
the Crowmarsh Parish. The purpose of the survey was to obtain peoples
views on such things as recreation, transport and environment. |
the results from 780 questionnaires (60% response) was far more
difficult and labour intensive then we had imagined, but we got
there in the end!
distributing a newsletter with some of the most interesting findings,
we held a ‘parish appraisal exhibition’ at Crowmarsh
School hall on the 6th and 7th March 2004. |
was an opportunity to see all of the results displayed on posters
and the event was combined with displays of children’s
work related to our parish, parish history, and the activities
local clubs and societies. The school hall was open throughout
the two days for people to drop in and an arrany of refreshments
were provided by a group of hard-working volunteers.
number of issues have come out of the survey, such as support for
more traffic
calming, a youth club/café, a youth forum and a desire for
additional play area/recreation facilities. Some of these issues
we hope will be taken on as part of an action plan by the Crowmarsh
Parish Council, but in many cases we would be looking for help
from locals
to make them a reality. Keep an eye on this site for further developments
concerning the action plan. |